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17th International Strindberg Conference

« Strindberg et la ville »
« Strindberg och staden »
« Strindberg and the City »

Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l’Homme d’Alsace
Strasbourg (France)

June 3-5th, 2010

International conference organized by the university of Paris IV-Sorbonne, the university of Strasbourg and the Maison interuniversitaire des Sciences de l’Homme d’Alsace in partnership with the Strindberg Society (Strindbergssällskapet).

See the call for papers

« Towns must disappear! » claimed Strindberg throughout his life, but he also claimed its opposite – ”I love big cities” – almost as often. Big or little, loved or hated, the town plays an important role in his writings – of whatever nature they might be: prose, poetry, drama – both as abstract notion and as concrete phenomenon… It plays an important role in his life, and so it does in his letters. Oppositions like town / countryside, culture / nature, etc., are recurring patterns in almost everything he wrote, even if their content did not remain unchanged.

This conference is organized as part of the research program "Invisible Cities and writing modernity : Toward a new Geography of identity" which is coordinated by Aurélie Choné

Download the registration sheet : click here

registration fees :
35 euros

Communication duration :
30 min

List of abstracts : click here

Language of the Communication : de/en/fr/sv

Language of the manuscripts : en/fr

Organizing commitee :

Elena Balzamo, Sylvain Briens, Thomas Mohnike

Scientific Commitee :

Elena Balzamo (École pratique des Hautes Études – Paris)

Sylvain Briens (Université Paris IV-Sorbonne)

Thomas Mohnike (Université de Strasbourg)

Per Stam (Strindbergssällskapet)

Katarina Ek-Nilsson (Strindbergssällskapet)

webmaster or any questions please contact (en/sv/de/fr):

Laurent Di Filippo
Mail :